About Us . . .

Hi! We are Mike (on the left)
and Dan, and together we are the Doodle Dads!
Our Lives With Dogs: We've been together approaching 30 years, and over all that time, we've always had multiple dogs that we've loved dearly and shared our lives with. When we
met, I (Mike) had a golden retriever and Dan had a yellow lab. Later, in 2004, I fell head-over-heals in love with a "new breed" with a funny name: goldendoodles! That year, we got our first goldendoodle puppy, and he was simply one of the best! Since that first goldendoodle, we've had a total of 6 doodles - 3 that have passed on, and the 3 we currently have. We both love dogs with a passion, and as the years have gone by, my passion has grown so strong that I cannot help stopping people walking their dogs to meet their dog and talk "dogs" with their owner -- especially if the dog is one of the many doodle breeds!
Why Doodle Dads Dog Boarding? I (Mike) happen to have retired early, so I have a lot of time on my hands. Recently, I began looking for something worthwhile to do that would also provide a little extra spending money while also making me happy. Did any such side "gig" exist? Well, to my surprise, that perfect side gig (for me) does exist! It turns out, dog owners (including us!) are often in need of a place to board their dogs when the owners need to travel, but when the dogs (for a variety of reasons) can't go along with them. We've used services like Rover.com to find petsitters, but it seemed like every time we had the need, we couldn't book the same person we had used before. It became frustrating to have to interview a new petsitter each time we planned to travel, and soon after leaving town, an uneasiness would come over us as we often didn't feel confident that each new petsitter would take care of our dogs in the manner we had discussed with them. Then, a light bulb went off: Why not provide dog boarding at our home? And, with the explosion of doodle dogs around town (I see them EVERYWHERE now!), why not offer a home dog boarding service exclusive to doodle owners? I'm not looking to have dogs at my home every day of the year (other than our own!), so having gaps in boarding dogs is perfectly fine with me! With this business model, my joy of being with and interacting with dogs, especially doodles, would easily be fulfilled, and it would make a nice side gig. However, I quickly realized that many multi-dog families that have a doodle also have a dog of a different breed. So, I made sure to include "their friends" (i.e., non-doodle housemates) as well! Including them is a no-brainer because we already know they get along just fine with their doodle mate(s). My hope is that I can become a reliable dog boarder for many doodle families across the Omaha metro area so they don't have to interview new petsitters each time they decide to go out of town. Besides that benefit to them, the other benefit to me is that our 3 doodles (and me!) get to play with other doodles which enriches their lives (and mine!) also! It's just a win-win-win for everyone involved -- the dog owners, all the pups (yours and ours), and me!
About our home: We live in the Midtown section of Omaha -- near Turner Blvd. and Pacific St., easily accessible from I-80, I-480 and various major city thoroughfares. Outdoors, we have a large fully-fenced backyard that serves to keep your pup(s) safe, but also allows them to run, explore, and play to their heart's content. When the weather is agreeable, we spend a lot of time out there. Indoors, we spend most of our time in our large family room that has two large leather sofas and additional leather chairs that your dogs are welcome to make themselves comfortable on -- unless you prefer we not allow them on furniture (if that's a rule at your home). We've got multiple large doggie beds and a large crate, if needed for any purpose (however, if you use a crate and it's portable, we suggest you bring it so that if it's needed, it will be something they are already familiar with which will help them to be more comfortable in their new temporary environment). At night, we most often bring all dogs upstairs to sleep in our bedroom with us -- in the bed, on the floor, on a doggie bed -- it doesn't matter to us -- unless it matters to you. We're happy to enforce whatever rules you typically enforce -- just let us know!
About our crew: As mentioned previously, we currently have 3 doodles: a black male goldendoodle, a black-and-white male bernedoodle, and an English cream female goldendoodle. Their ages range from 3.5 years to 4, and all are neutered/spayed. They are always up-to-date on all required shots. They are all very friendly, both with people and other dogs. They are all rehomed doodles, and they are the absolute loves of our lives. Your pups will also become (temporarily) part of our family and will be treated with just as much love and affection as our own are -- probably more!

Us & Our Dogs . . .
The photo above features our current 3 doodles. It is a collage I made in 2022 in honor of National Doodle Dog Day.
The photo above features all the dogs we were privileged to share our lives with prior to the 3 doodles we have now. These dogs span 1993 to 2015 and included a golden retriever, a yellow lab, a black lab, a blond goldendoodle, a blond labradoodle, and a huge black goldendoodle. We truly miss these great loves!

Some things just can't be properly explained. I'll just let these mugshots do the talking. These are the 3 VERY GUILTY doodles we currently have, and the VERY GUILTY hubby in their mugshot finest.
So, Who's Recommending Us?
Here's a sampling of replies recently posted when someone asked for a recommended dog boarding company . . . .

Meet Our "Staff"
Management Team:

Mike (Doodle Dad 1)
Dan (Doodle Dad 2)
Our Employees:

CBO: Chief Bark Officer
Arthur (a.k.a. "Artie-Artie-Artie" <said together really fast!>) is our beautiful bernedoodle. Probably the first thing you'll *hear* when we meet for the initial "meet-and-greet" between you, us, and all our pups (prior to your pup(s)' stay with us) is Arthur's bark. He gets so excited whenever new pups (and their humans) come to visit that he just can't contain himself. But, thankfully, he gets over it pretty quickly and then becomes the proper gentleman that we all love him for. Even with that introductory bark greeting, he's actually our most reserved and somewhat shy of the employee team.

Cruise Director
Tallulah (a.k.a. "Tallulah-loo-lah-looooo") is our English cream goldendoodle. She is most definitely a "people person" (you'll see!), and she stands ready to get your pup(s) vacation cruise under way (although being landlocked as we are, we won't be leaving the dock . . . but don't tell her!). She likes to have a good time, but only if everybody else is having a good time too! As Cruise Director, she's happy to help your pup(s) find their way to their cabin and to all the entertainment decks on her imaginary cruise ship. Tell your pup "bon voyage!" because she's going to ensure they have a great time!

Master of Fun
Benny (a.k.a. "Benny-Ben-Ben" <said together really fast!> is our pure party animal. Like Tallulah, he's a total "people person" kind of guy, but he also wants to have fun with your pup(s)! He will be sure to point out all the various play toys that are available as well as the coolest and hippest places to hang out in our backyard. Benny's a team player and he wants to include everyone on the team. He'll do his best to make sure your pup(s) has a great time and is included in all the activities. After all, he didn't earn his title "Master of Fun" by just lounging around!