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Services . . .

We offer short-term & longer-term dog boarding in our home. Please read the Dog Boarding F.A.Q.s below for important information.

Not at this time.

We DO NOT offer doggie daycare at this time. However, we may consider adding limited doggie daycare in the future, so please check back.

Dog Boarding F.A.Q.s:

The following "Frequently Asked Questions" (F.A.Q.s) should answer most of your questions about boarding your pup(s) with us. Please review them and contact us with any additional questions and/or concerns, or to book a boarding stay with us.


At present, we offer Overnight Dog Boarding only (short-term and longer-term). We do not offer doggie daycare at this time. This may change in the future, so if you want to be kept abreast of any changes, please “like” or “follow” us on Facebook (
Doodle Dads Dog Boarding) so you can receive any announcements.


Initially, we are offering dog boarding to all "doodle" dogs . . .
and their friends (i.e., other non-doodle dogs that live in the same household as the doodle(s)). Depending on the frequency of dog stays we get from this approach, we may later open this up to other dog-friendly breeds. Stay tuned!


Dog boarding takes place in our home along with our 3 doodles, all of whom are spayed/neutered. We have a large, fully-fenced yard with LOTS to explore for your dog(s) and LOTS of room to play/exercise. Our home is located in Midtown, Omaha -- near Turner Blvd. and Pacific St.


Hi, I'm Mike, and I'm a retired dog-lover/owner who is just NUTS about dogs -- especially doodles (of all kinds)! I'm one of those people who can't help but stop other dog parents to say hi and talk 'dogs' when they're out walking their pups -- I wouldn't be surprised to find out I've already stopped you if I've seen you out and about somewhere! For the past 30+ years, I/we have had dogs in our lives. We've had golden retrievers, labrador retrievers, and doodles -- 6 doodles, so far. Today, we have 3 doodles (a black goldendoodle, a cream-colored English Cream doodle, and a black-and-white bernedoodle). They are all re-homed dogs, and we couldn't love them any more! I'm home about 99% of the time, so I'm always there with them. My husband Dan, also a huge dog lover, assists me here and there when he's not working at his job.




If you've not boarded with us before:

1.  Please use our short contact form to give us your name, contact information, travel dates and basic information about your pup(s).

2.  We'll respond quickly (usually within a couple of hours; at least within 24 hours) to confirm if your requested boarding dates are available. If they are available, we'll email you a Boarding Information Sheet that requests additional information about you and your pup(s) and we'll request a copy of your pup(s) most recent vet visit record showing vaccines given (or schedule for upcoming vaccines). (Sorry, we cannot board any dog that does not have a current kennel cough (Bordetella) vaccine or that is not current with their rabies vaccination. We also cannot board any adult dog (1-year or older) that is not spayed or neutered.We'll also ask when you can be available to meet with your pup(s) at our home for a brief meet-and-greet (to ensure all our pups are compatible).

3.  You email (preferred) or text me (402.889.2733) the completed Boarding Information Sheet (and your vet record(s) once you have obtained them) as soon as you can, and specify a day/time you can do the meet-and-greet.

4.  We'll then email you a confirmation of our meet-and-greet day and time, and will include the address of our home plus additional information.

5.  We then meet for the meet-and-greet, and that's it! Your booking process is complete!


Once you've boarded with us:

1.  For all future bookings after your initial one, simply text us (402.889.2733) with your travel dates -- if they're available, we'll book you and you're all set! (Note: we may need updated vet records if any vaccines have expired since their last stay with us.)

BOARDING RATES & OTHER FEES (Subject to changes at any time):

  • Dog boarding rates are charged per overnight stay, regardless of drop-off or pick-up times.  (For example, if a dog is dropped-off anytime on a Monday and picked up anytime on a Friday, that would be 4 overnight stays.)

  • "Standard" boarding rates are in effect always except when "Holiday" boarding rates are in effect (see below).

    • Standard boarding rates are $50/night for the first pup, and $30/night for each additional pup. (Note: "Puppies" are extra--see below.)​

  • "Holiday" boarding rates are in effect for certain national holiday periods as listed below. If your pup(s) stay overlaps any portion of these holiday periods, then your pup(s) full boarding stay will be at the Holiday boarding rate.​

    • Holiday boarding rates are $60/night for the first pup, and $40/night for each additional pup. (Note: "Puppies are extra--see below.)​

    • Holiday periods that invoke the Holiday boarding rates:

      • New Year's week:  January 1st-7th​

      • Memorial Day weekend:  Last Monday in May plus the preceding Friday-Sunday

      • Fourth of July week:  July 1st-7th

      • Labor Day weekend:  First Monday in September plus the preceding Friday-Sunday

      • Thanksgiving week:  Beginning the Saturday before Thanksgiving Day through the Sunday following Thanksgiving Day

      • Christmas before-and-after weeks:  December 18th-31st

    • Why higher rates? Please keep in mind that while you are enjoying your holiday break (with family, friends, and/or maybe somewhere fun!), we have given ours up to care for your beloved pets.

  • Puppies:  For all puppies that are 9 months old or younger, there will be an additional $20/night fee added to the Standard or Holiday boarding rate. This is simply because of the extra work, attention and supervision, and energy required to properly take care of puppies who've not yet matured as their older furry friends have.

  • Unaltered (non-spayed/neutered) ADULT dogs:  I'm sorry, we cannot board dogs that are 1-year or older who are NOT spayed or neutered.

  • Daily dog walks:  As an optional add-on service, daily dog walks are available upon request for your pup(s):

    • Up to two 1/2-mile walks per day are possible, depending on weather conditions and availability of my dedicated dog walker (my husband, Dan).​

    • You may request zero, one, or two 1/2-mile walks each day of your pup(s) stay.

    • Each walk will be billed at an additional $5 per walk per dog and added to your total boarding fee.


  • Boarding fees (plus dog walking fees, if applicable) are due by the time you pick-up your pup(s). You are welcome to pay them in advance when your drop-off your pups (or even earlier, if you wish), but that is not a current requirement.

  • Venmo is my preferred method of payment -- it's easy to use, secure, and there's no service fee for the sender or receiver! (Just ask for my Venmo account name if you decide to pay using this method.)

  • Cash is also acceptable.

  • Please, no personal checks



As we have numerous neighbors who border our "L"-shaped property (7 different families, to be exact), we must remain considerate of and vigilant regarding noise and activity levels at all times when we have pups outside. With this utmost in mind, we cannot accommodate drop-offs and pick-ups during normal sleeping hours (10pm-8am). Therefore:

  • All drop-offs and pick-ups must take place between the hours of 8am-10pm -- no exceptions!

  • If you are leaving town earlier in the morning or returning later at night and you cannot meet these time limitations, your pup(s) will need to be dropped-off the night (or day) before and/or picked-up the following morning (or day), and will incur an additional boarding night fee for any extra overnights incurred.

  • My added suggestion for your drop-off time: I personally know how difficult it is to drop-off your beloved pup(s) early and go back home to a quiet, empty home (especially if your travel doesn’t begin until the next morning) – I hate experiencing that myself also! However, please consider your pup(s) need to have sufficient time to adjust to their sudden new surroundings at our home, new people (us) and new pups (our dogs and any other visiting dogs) prior to having to come inside into a smaller confined space for the evening and certainly before everyone’s bedtime. If at all possible, please try and drop-off your pup(s) at least an hour before sunset so that your pup(s) and our pups can have time to get reacquainted and have some outdoor playtime before we must all go inside for the evening.

  • Where to drop-off & pick-up: Unless otherwise notified, we will conduct all drop-offs and pick-ups at our driveway gate (for ease of transferring your pup(s) and their “gear” for their stay). Please text me (402.889.2733) to let me know you’ve arrived. If it’s raining or snowing, we may alter that plan and meet at our front door instead – but we’ll let you know in advance of arriving if that’s warranted given the conditions present at the time.

  • Do we offer doggie drop-off and pick-up service? Sorry, we can't leave the dogs we are supervising at our home to come pick-up your pup(s) or bring them back home when their stay is concluded. However, if needed, there are services such as Uber Pets (where you ride with your dog(s) in an Uber for a fee I'm told is only a few more dollars than a normal Uber ride) and "local pet transport services" (which may pick-up your pets without you having to ride along). Be sure to check those services out yourselves though as their policies could change at any time.


Please plan to bring the following with you for your dog's stay:


  • Their current food. (We feed everyone separately to ensure they eat their own food and not someone else's (so as not to upset their stomach)).

  • (Optional) Their current treats (if quickly consumable; please don't bring anything that takes a long time to consume).  We don't share treats with others as many dogs are sensitive to new food sources.

  • Any medications that we'll need to give.

  • (Optional) Their dog crate, if you use one. We can discuss this (as we have a crate that could possibly be used, but it's rather closed up), but I figure it's better to keep their daily routine as normal as possible -- hence, using their crate that they are accustomed to, when possible.

  • (Optional) Doggie bed? You're welcome to bring along, but we have several here that mostly go unused by our gang.

  • Your completed Boarding Information Sheet (if not already emailed back to me) and/or vet records (if not already submitted).

  • If you sign your pup(s) up for daily dog-walking:  If you also own anti-pull vests/harnesses for your dogs, please bring them!


During the Spring/Summer/Fall (if not too hot), your dog(s) and ours will spend a good deal of time outdoors in our fenced yard with me supervising their exploring and playing. When not out there, they will be indoors with me and our three doodles -- we have LOTS of dog toys to play with (when they're not playing with our doodles). We are happy to allow your dog(s) on our furniture along with ours, unless you do not permit that in your home. At night, we allow any of the dogs to sleep in bed with us, but also won't allow that if you don't allow that in your home. If your dog is crated at night, we can do that as well to keep their routine as normal as possible. I'm happy to send a daily update (with photos) as to how your dog(s) are doing -- unless you'd prefer to not be bothered while away.


  • New added security: For each dog that comes to stay with us, we'll be temporarily adding one of these pet ID tags (with a scannable QR Code) onto their collar (and if they didn't arrive with a collar, we'll be adding one of those temporarily also!) to add an extra layer of protection for your pups! In the unlikely event one of the boarded dogs manages to get out of our secured fenced backyard, whomever finds him/her will be able to quickly alert us to their location so that we can quickly pick them up and return them to the safety of our home (and hopefully bypass calling you based on any other tag information they may be wearing while you're relaxing on vacation). We're gonna do our best to retrieve these from your pup's collar before they come back home with you, but we do ask that if you see one still hanging on his/her collar, that you please pop it into the mail back to us as we only have a limited supply of them.









Simply contact me with any additional questions and/or concerns you may have. You can message me (via Facebook Messenger at “Doodle Dads Dog Boarding”), email me (, or call/text me (Mike) at 402.889.2733 with any questions you have! If you already know your travel dates, please use the contact form on our "Contact Us" page (which will help me give you a more precise response)!


We look forward to meeting you, your dood(s) and their friends!  To book a boarding stay, simply click on the "Contact Us" button below.

Pet ID Tags - MyLuckyTag.png

New: Optional Daily Dog-Walking
Is your dog used to being walked daily? Did you know that when being boarding, dogs sometimes play a lot with other dogs present, while at other times they don't play much at all? It's true -- we see this varying level of daily physical activity all the time while boarding dogs! If you want to ensure your dog(s) get their normal daily walking in, we can now offer that! 


Beginning in 2024, we are offering daily dog-walking for your dog(s) while they stay with us for an added fee -- up to two 1/2-mile walks per day (one in the morning and/or one in the evening). If you'd like your dog(s) to be walked, simply indicate so on your Boarding Information Sheet (which we'll provide once we've confirmed their upcoming boarding dates with you). You can indicate "0", "1" or "2" walks per day. For each walk, the fee will be $5.00 per dog per walk (so, for example, if you have one dog that you want walked twice in a day, that would be $10 extra ($5 * 1 dog * 2 walks) for that day; if you have two dogs that you want walked once per day, that would be $10 extra ($5 * 2 dogs * 1 walk) for that day). We will notify you on the last day of their stay how many walks were completed and add the extra fee to your boarding total. 


Dog-Walking Limitations:
The primary dog-walker will be my husband, Dan, who is looking for incentives to get out and walk in the mornings and/or evenings. He enjoys walking our dogs, but also realizes some dog owners who are boarding with us would like to have their dogs walked daily also. (Me? I'll be at our home watching over our dogs and any other visiting dogs who aren't signed up for daily walks (or who aren't being walked at the same time as yours.)


From time-to-time, various conditions or situations may present themselves that will prevent dog walks from taking place, including:

  • Weather (excessive cold or heat, rain, icy conditions and snow (when sidewalk & driveway shoveling is required instead))

  • Work (Dan sometimes must go in early to work, and sometimes works too late to walk after work)

  • Illness or injury, of course.


Dan will commit to walking your dog(s) (and no others while walking yours) whenever weather, work, and health conditions permit. If dog walking is requested by multiple pet parents for the same day, Dan commits to going on multiple walks to get all the walks in. 


One request: If you sign your dog(s) up for daily dog-walking AND you own anti-pull vests/harnesses for your dogs, please bring them!

Approved Member, Midwest Pet Sitter Affiliates.png

© 2024 by Doodle Dads Dog Boarding. All rights reserved.

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